Gathered together as one holy people.
Call us to build a new heaven and earth
Spirit of God come burn in your people.
Spirit of Love, bring us to birth.
Gathered together to hear the stories.
Gathered together, one in your name.
Heal all our pain and end our divisions.
Gathered together, one in your name.
Hungry we gather for words of fulfillment.
Gathered together, one in your name.
Stories of justice, love and forgiveness.
Gathered together, one in your name.
Hungry we gather to feed on your presence.
Gathered together, one in your name.
Feed us with food and stories of mercy.
Gathered together, one in your name.
Waters of new life. Renew and refresh us.
Waters of freedom. Renew us, O God.
Waters of justice. Renew and refresh us.
Waters that raise us. Renew us, O God.
Waters of new birth. Renew and refresh us.
Waters within us. Renew us, O God.
Waters that will be. Renew and refresh us.
Waters that have been. Renew us, O God.
Spirit among us. Renew and refresh us.
Spirit of our dreams. Renew us, O God.
Spirit of freedom. Renew and refresh us.
Spirit within us. Renew us, O God.
Spirit of new hopes. Renew and refresh us.
Spirit of our joy. Renew us, O God.
Spirit of true peace. Renew and refresh us.
Spirit of our life. Renew us, O God.
Move us O God your sons and your daughters.
Make us your people, one in your name.
Open our hearts and wake us to your word.
Make us your people, one in your name.
Copyright © 2012 GIA Publications, Inc.