Old Downloads

This page will allow you to access and download unpublished or self-published music by Ian. Some of the music is also available as an MP3 download that has recently been demo recorded or has been used at various events and conferences. As the music here becomes available in published editions it will be removed from this site.
You are free to copy this music for use by your own individual parishes or community; however, please do not distribute copies of this music to others, rather direct them to this site and let them download it themselves.
When making copies of this music please observe the following
  • you must include the copyright notice on any copies you make
  • please do not use these copies after any date indicated on the information with the copyright of the music.
These songs are offered freely and you are free to copy this music for use by your own parish or individual community; however, please do not make changes without prior written permission.
Please Note: Because these are unpublished works, there will occasionally be mistakes in the score or (sometimes) odd layouts.
Title Usage Sheet Music PDF MP3
December Rose An Advent gathering or reflection song. Can also be used for reconciliation services or themes of peace and justice. ss--pdf
My Lovely One Come Based on the Song of Songs this hymn is best suited to Weddings. ss--pdf
Saints of God Suitable for use at funerals. ss--pdf
Love is Patient Based on the writings of St Paul to the Corinthians, this hymn is suitable for liturgies where Love is a focus, especially suited for weddings. ss--pdf
Psalm 40 – Lord Here I am Psalm 40 is a song that says, ‘Thank you’ to God. But the psalmist David still has problems, so the end of the psalm asks for more help. Many people confuse Psalm 40 with the Dan Schutte song Here I am Lord which is not a Psalm. ss--pdf
Psalm 91 – Be With Me Lord One of the common psalms for the lenten period. This psalm is also suitable for services of reconciliation or themes of comfort. ss--pdf
Psalm 95 – If Today Psalm 95 serves as the introduction to a series of Psalms devoted to the theme of worship and praise. It is one of the common psalms for Ordinary Time and as such can be regarded as a psalm for general use. ss--pdf
Were Not Our Hearts The Emmaus Story for Easter ss--pdf
Lord Hear Our Prayer The General Intercessions from the Mass of St Catherine. ss--pdf

Please check back from time to time as new music will be uploaded here for you to download. Other published works of Ian by GIA Publications can be purchased from GIAiTunesVeritas or from most religious bookstores.